One Week Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. "Will One Week Marketing be mailed to me?"
A. No. The One Week Marketing package is a digital download. These guides are delivered to you electronically in the form of pdf files that you can read right now on your computer - even if it's 4 am! You will need a program like Adobe Reader to read these guides.
Q. "Will my credit card statement show a charge from One Week Marketing?"
A. No. Your credit card will reflect a payment to CLICKBANK*COM. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer specialized in digitally delivered products. Your purchase is backed by a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.
Q. "Wow! I LOVE One Week Marketing! How can I recommend it to others and make commissions?"
A. Great.. Thank you! Click here for the One Week Marketing affiliate program.
Q. "I love your blog and your tutorial site! Where else can I find you and be able to ask you questions and get help?"
A. I am a proud member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can frequently be found in the Wealthy Affiliate forum helping others. Feel free to join us!
Q. "What costs are involved to implement your One Week Marketing Action Plan? I hate buying a system that requires me to buy MORE things in order to make it work!"
A. Me too! All the methods outlined in the One Week Marketing Action plan are FREE to use. There are a few advanced techniques that can really help your campaigns that have very, very minimal costs involved - but they are NOT required.
Q. "Is Nick a real person... or did you make him up?"
A. Nick is a VERY real person. The conversation you will read in A Conversation With Nick is a very real conversation that really happened. I have all the messages to prove it =)
Q. "Jennifer, you are virtually famous for giving away such great information for free. Why are you charging for One Week Marketing?"
A. Thank you for asking that! I have two reasons for my decision.
1. The Action Plan you are about to read is the Plan *I* use...and the plan it took over a year for me to develop. It would be a very poor business decision for me to give away something that took me so long to develop. Also, felt it was time to create something that my readers can market and benefit from finacially. I wanted to offer a kick-butt marketing guide that easily sells itself thru the power of recommendation...and makes my readers some nice commissions!
2. I find that when we read free info online, we treat it like free and disposable information. In one ear - out the other. I want my readers to take action - and nothing inspires you more than a personal investment. If someone is ready to make a personal investment in THEMSELF, they will buy One Week Marketing AND implement the techniques.
Q. "I'm not sure I know enough about online marketing and feel sure I will need additional help and coaching. I might even need someone to hold my hand! Is there help available? Is there a coaching program for One Week Marketing?"
A. Yes! There is a wonderful coaching center available for those following the One Week Marketing Action Plan. All those little questions are answered quickly and completely- and NO question is "too silly"!
You Can Learn More About Coaching for One Week Marketing Here
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